Head to the Heart™ Cheat Sheet - Big Impact with Little Prep Time

Strapped for time? Everyone in ministry has too much to do and too little time to do it. If you find yourself up against the clock, what follows is a universal cheat sheet you can use to put together your Head to the Heart (H2H) Theme Event and come out looking excellent.

We have much more to choose from than the pieces listed below, but if you’re tight on time, the following suggestions should do the trick.

Step 1: Before the Event, Read the “Focus of the Week”

Found at the beginning of each theme, this short paragraph gives you the main point of the entire lesson. This “focus” is the main point you are trying to get across to your kids. This, along with the “Objective” will help you stay on target.

Step 2: At the Event, Play Music While Groups Gather

Play the MP3 theme song provided for the week’s lesson or some other contemporary Christian songs as groups gather in your teaching space. Background music makes people feel more comfortable. No one likes entering a quiet room.

Step 3: Lead a QuizBowl or “What’s That Word” Game with Prizes

Your event has started, and the kids have gathered. As part of the “open the kid before you open the book” philosophy, welcome the groups, and hold a QuizBowl or What’s That Word as either a preview of what you’re going to talk about, or a review of the material you covered last time. Don’t forget to have prizes on hand to give away to your participants and to other kids for the fun of it. You’ll be surprised how even the simplest little gifts can excite kids.

Step 4: Pick Three Images and Analogies

You won’t have time for much more. We suggest a Life Line story and Art Attack as quick solutions, usually found on pages 3 or 4 of each Theme. The Life Line story provides ideas to tell a story from your own life that relates to the theme. Better yet, bring in someone else to tell their story. Art Attack uses visual cues from the included Dr. He Qi artwork or cartoon art to teach to the point. 

Step 5: Lead Bible Time

Get kids into their Bibles! At the very least, make sure the kids highlight the verse of the week. Then use one of the included Bible studies found in section E, usually on page 4 of each Theme to help familiarize kids with the Good Book. If you’re using Bible apps, cross-reference different translations on the spot to have kids compare and contrast.

Step 6: Dismiss into Small Groups

The key to H2H is small group time. Let your small groups go anywhere they and their Guide find fun and comfortable. Don’t be limited to tables, chairs, and classrooms. Be sure to give groups a time limit so they can reconvene for a closing. Make sure Guides cover Highs and Lows with their kids.

Step 7: Close Things with Announcements and Prayer

At the very minimum, make sure to reiterate the Wrap-up Reflection to your groups (usually on page 5), and invite the group to pray together as one large group for whatever is on their minds.

Again, the list provided here, as well as the times given, are only suggestions. You can see how quickly 60-90 minutes can fly by, so be prepared to change quickly if needed.