Faith Stepping Stones

One 12-Month Membership. All Eight Stones. Cradle to Graduation.

Your annual Faith Stepping Stones Membership/License is active for a full 12-months after you place your order.

Faith Stepping Stones is a cradle-to-graduation family ministry system that transforms faith formation from a once-a-week church program into an ongoing partnership between church and home. Faith Stepping Stones encourages and equips parents to be confident, effective faith mentors and guides for their children.

Annual 12-Month Membership License: $199

The Faith Stepping Stones Mission

To Bless the Child, Gift the Family, and Call Parents to the Promise, Every Week at Church and Every Night in Every Home.

The Faith Stepping Stones Method

At eight important passages in a family’s faith life, parents and children come together for fun and engaging learning sessions, culminating in a special blessing service.

At these sessions, families are taught FAITH5, a nightly at-home faith practice that includes blessing, prayer, Scripture reading, sharing of highs & lows, and faith talk.

Membership in Faith Stepping Stones includes access to ALL 8 STONES for one membership year. Access to ALL 8 Faith Stepping Stones means you have all the resources you need for a comprehensive, cradle-to-graduation family ministry system. Any Stone can be used alone as the basis for a terrific Christian parenting course. Using all 8 stones as a comprehensive family ministry system will carry your families through all stages of parenting, giving them tools and age-appropriate resources along the way. Annual membership access to ALL 8 Stones provides maximum flexibility to use these resources in the way that best fits your unique setting. 

The Eight Faith Stepping Stones included with your Membership:

  • In the first few months of a baby’s life, parents often feel overwhelmed by both love and exhaustion. Bringing new parents together during this time for support and community will bless them and their babies.

    At Faith Stepping Stone 1, parents spend three sessions sharing, laughing and growing as they learn about their babies’ physical, emotional and spiritual health, as well as their own. Stone 1 culminates in a group “Blessing of the Babies” in worship. Stone 1 is very effective when used in conjunction with infant baptism preparation.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Infant Physical Development
    Objective: To help parents understand the physical needs of their infants and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 2: Infant Emotional Development
    : To help parents understand the emotional needs of their infants and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 3: Infant Spiritual Development
    : To help parents understand the spiritual needs of their infants and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Raising a Healthy Baby (Stone 1)”

  • A child’s transition from infant to toddler to full-blown preschooler is a period of constant discovery for parent and child alike. Bringing parents together during this exciting time will bless them and their child with support and community.

    At Faith Stepping Stone 2, parents spend three sessions sharing, laughing and growing as they learn about their preschoolers’ physical, emotional and spiritual health, as well as their own. Stone 2 concludes with a group blessing of the preschoolers in worship.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Preschooler Physical Development
    Objective: To help parents understand the physical needs of their toddlers and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 2: Preschooler Emotional Development
    : To help parents understand the emotional needs of their toddlers and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 3: Preschooler Spiritual Development
    : To help parents understand the spiritual needs of their toddlers and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Raising a Healthy Preschooler (Stone2)”

  • The whole world changes for the family when little ones head off to school. Setting up a pattern for regular, open, caring, communication between parent and child becomes extremely important at this stage.

    At Stepping Stone 3, along with a look at the physical, emotional and spiritual development of the child, parents and children are taught how to share their Highs & Lows of the day. Following Stone 3’s three sessions, parents and children return to the altar for a blessing in worship.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Physical Development
    : To help parents understand the physical needs of their children as they enter school and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 2: Emotional Development
    : To help parents understand the emotional needs of their children as they enter school and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting.

    Session 3: Spiritual Development
    : To help parents understand the spiritual needs of their children and to encourage them in healthy and confident parenting through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Entering School (Stone 3)”

  • Many churches have the tradition of presenting Bibles to children. This practice provides a wonderful opportunity to bring parents and children together for learning and fun.

    Faith Stepping Stone 4 is an 8-session course that helps children get to know their Bible, while teaching them the stories of faith found in it. It culminates in worship where parents present the Bibles to their children and are blessed on this important, faith-forming day.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: The Book of Moses
    : To help guests understand and experience key stories from the first five books of the Bible, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 2: Into the Promised Land
    : To help guests understand and experience the history of God’s people from the entry into the Promised land up to the time of the Psalms, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 3: The Songs of Israel
    : To help guests understand and experience the Psalms as a rich hymn book of prayer and praise, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 4: Wisdom & Major Prophets
    : To help guests understand and experience the richness of Wisdom Literature and the message of the Major Prophets, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 5: The Minor Prophets
    : To help guests understand and experience the messages of justice and mercy from God through the Minor Prophets, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 6: The Gospels
    : To help guests understand and experience the Gospels as the Good News of what God has done in Jesus Christ, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 7: Paul’s Letters
    : To help guests understand and experience the amazing grace of God as shown through the letters of Paul, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 8: Universal Letters & The Revelation
    : To help guests understand and experience the last section of the Bible as a call to faithful and courageous living in Christ, and to equip and encourage them to add Scripture to their nightly bedtime ritual through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “My Bible (Stone 4):

  • Faith Stepping Stone 5 is a communion instruction course for late elementary-age children and their parents. Three sessions engage everyone in learning the history of Holy Communion and the meaning and practice of Holy Communion today.

    No matter what age first communion is celebrated at your church, Faith Stepping Stone 5 is a perfect opportunity for preadolescents and their parents to explore the meaning of Holy Communion together. Faith Stepping Stone 5 culminates at the altar with a family communion service and blessing of the children.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: From Passover to Last Supper
    : To help guests understand and experience the Lord’s Supper and its roots in the Passover; to encourage confession (“I’m sorry”) and absolution (“I forgive you”) in the home; and to aid families in healthy and confident parenting through a commitment to the FAITH5 (share, read, talk, pray, bless) every night in every home.

    Session 2: The Meaning of the Meal
    : To create a theme event that leads guests to understand and experience the meaning of Holy Communion; and to lead parents and children toward the commitment of saying “I’m sorry” (confession) and “I forgive you” (absolution) every night in every home.

    Session 3: Living Forgiven
    : To create a theme event that leads guests to understand the importance of living a forgiving, forgiven lifestyle; and to lead parents and children toward the commitment of saying “I’m sorry” (confession) and “I forgive you” (absolution) every night in every home.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Holy Communion (Stone 5)”

  • Making a big deal about entry into your church’s confirmation program provides a great opportunity to gather parents and youth around the theme of “Surviving Adolescence”.

    Stepping Stone 6 is a three-session course that helps youth and their parents develop a "survival plan" for adolescence that includes healthy listening and communication tools.

    Stone 6 also provides your church with tools to recruit, train, and motivate parents to serve as leaders in your confirmation program.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Haystack Theory.
    : To create a theme event that helps parents and teens to understand how societal pressures and support structures are different today than they were a generation ago, and leads parents to commit to serving as the “Impact Adults” in their children’s lives.

    Session 2: Working on the Dream
    : To create a theme event that helps parents and teens to articulate their dream relationship and take specific steps to make that dream a reality—including sharing Highs & Lows as a family each night throughout the adolescent journey.

    Session 3: The Secret Formula
    : To create a theme event that leads parents and teens to understand the importance of nightly communication and to commit to applying God’s Word to their highs and lows every night throughout the adolescent journey.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Entry into Confirmation (Surviving Adolescence) (Stone 6)”

  • As youth prepare to affirm their baptismal promises on confirmation day, Faith Stepping Stone 7 gathers youth and parents around the themes of confession, confirmation, and call. These three sessions help confirmands and their parents experience deeply the power of saying yes to the God who said yes to them in their baptism.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Confessing My Faith
    : To create a theme event that leads confirmands to review the basics of the Christian faith, articulate their beliefs in a Faith Statement Paper, and prepare to make their own statement of faith with strength on confirmation day.

    Session 2: Confirming My Convictions
    : To create a theme event that leads confirmands to review the six vows of Confirmation, to articulate their vows in a Faith Statement Paper, and prepare to make those vows their own.

    Session 3: Claiming My Calling
    : To create a theme event that leads small groups to choose a “Ministry of Sacred Service” to begin with their small group the week following confirmation, and to finish preparations for the writing of a Faith Statement paper.

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “Confirmation (Stone 7)”

  • Spread over the school year, seniors and their parents gather to look back, look to the moment, and look to the future. These three sessions are a beautiful gift to young adults and their parents as they transition into a new chapter of life.

    Faith Stepping Stone 8 culminates at the altar, with parents blessing their child and then receiving a blessing in return. This is indeed holy time, as graduates are celebrated, and parents are recognized for fulfilling the promises they made at their child’s baptism.

    What Sessions are included with this Stone?

    Session 1: Looking Back
    : To create a fall theme event that leads seniors and their parents to look back on the blessings that God has given their family, and motivates them to make the most of the time they have together by taking specific action steps to show their gratitude. Idea: Make this a brunch served each fall by the juniors and their parents.

    Session 2: Looking to the Moment
    : To create a winter theme event that leads seniors and their parents to look at the gifts God has given them in their families, and motivates them to take specific steps to restore any brokenness in their family relationships in the months before graduation. Idea: Make this a special Christmas dinner served each winter by the juniors and their parents.

    Session 3: Looking Ahead
    : To create a theme event that leads seniors and parents to look ahead to the new callings God is giving them and their families after graduation. Idea: Make this a special graduation brunch served each spring by juniors and their parents on the weekend before graduation. Invite seniors to stand during the meal and publicly thank parents for three specific gifts they have received: 1. Physical gifts; 2. Emotional gifts; 3. Spiritual gifts

    CLICK HERE for expanded information and more details on “High School Graduation (Stone 8)”

FAITH5 at the Core

Faith Stepping Stones features FAITH5, a simple 5-step faith practice that draws us closer to one another and to God. With each Faith Stepping Stone, parents are encouraged to add one step of the FAITH5 to their nightly bedtime routine. Starting with blessing their babies each night, the family’s nightly devotion practice grows, adding nightly prayer, reading Scripture, talking about the Scripture, and sharing highs & lows as the child grows in years. At each Faith Stepping Stone, parents and children will learn the power of and get to practice each step of the FAITH5. Modeling these 5 simple steps at church equips everyone to practice faith “Every Week at Church and Every Night in Every Home.”

What You Get

Membership in Faith Stepping Stones means you have access to ALL 8 STONES  for one membership year.

Your membership year runs for 12-months after you place your order.

Your annual Faith Stepping Stones membership gives you:

  • Instant digital download access to ALL 8 STONES.

  • Unparalleled support materials for casting the Faith Stepping Stone vision to your congregation.

Each Faith Stepping Stone includes:

  • PowerPoint Presentations containing karaoke music videos, fun interactive learning games, theme Scripture verse and cartoons, along with many other teaching options and ideas

  • Printable Leader’s Guide with instructions and tips for leading the PowerPoint, along with engaging and fun skits

  • Printable Handouts featuring FAITH5

  • Blessing Service Liturgy – each Stone culminates in a blessing service at the altar in worship. This liturgy will help you mark each Stone as a significant milestone in the faith lives of families.

  • Printable sheet music for the theme Scripture song, providing a live option to the karaoke style music video in the PowerPoint

12-Month Annual License Membership Rate: $199